Brown, Columbia, UChicago and Vanderbilt General Information Session in San Jose

Monday, September 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM until 8:30 PMPacific Daylight Time UTC -07:00

Bellarmine College Preparatory
960 W Hedding St
San Jose, CA 95126
United States

Admissions representatives from Brown, Columbia, UChicago, and Vanderbilt will hold a joint session for students about their respective universities and the highly selective college admissions process. Topics will include: academic programs, campus activities, student life, admissions policies and financial aid.

Please do not follow the Google map directions to Bellarmine College Prep, the school is under construction. Instead, please enter the campus from Stockton Avenue (off Taylor Street between Colemon and The Alameda) and park in the parking structure. Walk through the Campus Gates around the Gym and across the Quad to the Sobrato Theater.

Please visit to learn more. 

Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.